2016 Iowa Republican Presidential Caucus
National: GOP, Dem | IA: GOP, Dem | NH: GOP, Dem | SC: GOP, Dem | General Election Match-Ups | IA GOP: '16 vs. '12, '08 | All Polls
pollster | date | Trump | Cruz | Rubio | Carson | Paul | Bush | Huckabee | Kasich | Fiorina | Christie | Santorum | Walker | Jindal | Perry | Graham | Pataki | Ryan | Martinez | Palin | Rice | Scarborough | Huntsman | Portman | Pence | Gilmore | spread |
Poll Data
pollster | date | Trump | Cruz | Rubio | Carson | Paul | Bush | Huckabee | Kasich | Fiorina | Christie | Santorum | Walker | Jindal | Perry | Graham | Pataki | Ryan | Martinez | Palin | Rice | Scarborough | Huntsman | Portman | Pence | Gilmore | spread |
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