2024 Michigan Senate - Rogers vs. Slotkin
pollster | date | Slotkin (D) | Rogers (R) | spread |
2024 Post-Election Polling Analysis
Why Many Were Correct in Thinking Trump Would Run Away With Electoral College Ken Bensinger & Kaleigh Rogers, New York Times
How America’s Accurate Election Polls Were Suppressed in Front of the Election Matt Tabblit, Racket News
What is Behind the Simmering Information War on Polling Salena Zito, Washington Examiner
Poll Data
pollster | date | Slotkin (D) | Rogers (R) | spread |
Key Senate Races
Races that will be key in determining control of the Senate in the 2024 elections
Political News & Analysis
Soda Wars: Inside "Pay-To-Post" Campaign Pitting MAGA Against MAHABy the author name Philip Wegmann
With Record Low Approval, How Can Democrats Recover?By the author name Mark Penn
Why the Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Matters for National PoliticsBy the author name Jonathan Draeger
How Los Angeles Is Getting Scorched by Its Homeless ProblemBy the author name Ana Kasparian
Injunction Dysfunction? Trump-Era Judicial Paralysis ExplainedBy the author name Ben Weingarten
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The Takeaway
A special edition RCP newsletter that keeps you in the know on all the latest polls this election season.